Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Womens Health, Acupressure, Pregnancy Massage, Chinese Massage, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Stress Management in Aylesbury and Risborough, Buckinghamshire
Acupuncture acts both as a treatment and a preventative medicine. The aim of your individual diagnosis and course of treatments is to get a picture of your whole health. I look for the root of any current problems as well as identifying any potential...
Reiki, Acupressure, Chinese Massage in Southampton
A relaxed body and mind are better able to deal with life situations than when stressed. Learning to control and balance stress with relaxation is an essential part of holistic health. It should also be a process of life enrichment by doing what brin...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Chinese Massage in Petersfield
I spent my childhood in the Far East and have been in practice for 16 years in the East Hampshire area. My educational training was in Neurobiology and Psychology at the University of California prior to moving to the UK in 1975. Chinese Medicine ...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupressure in Southampton
Having been involved in learning and teaching martial arts for the past 20 years it became a natural progression for me to learn a system of healing and helping others. Having personal experience of the effects of acupuncture for the long term treatm...